Business Tips

How to manage employee relationships in your growing company

3 Strategies for Managing Employee Relationship...

A shared vision is an excellent place to start. Open communication and a stable culture are other considerations.   Alex Tonelli started Funding Circle, a platform to match investors with small...

3 Strategies for Managing Employee Relationship...

A shared vision is an excellent place to start. Open communication and a stable culture are other considerations.   Alex Tonelli started Funding Circle, a platform to match investors with small...

How to scale up a small business successfully

How to scale up your small business successfully

For most business owners, scaling up is a part of their long-term goals. But for small businesses, successful expansion can be like walking a tightrope. It requires a delicate balance...

How to scale up your small business successfully

For most business owners, scaling up is a part of their long-term goals. But for small businesses, successful expansion can be like walking a tightrope. It requires a delicate balance...

Writing an effective business plan

How to Write a Winning Business Plan

The business plan admits the entrepreneur to the investment process. Without a plan furnished in advance, many investor groups won’t even grant an interview. And the plan must be outstanding...

How to Write a Winning Business Plan

The business plan admits the entrepreneur to the investment process. Without a plan furnished in advance, many investor groups won’t even grant an interview. And the plan must be outstanding...

Getting clients on LinkedIn as a graphic designer

Get Your First 5 Graphic Design Clients on Link...

This step-by-step guide will teach you how to use Linkedin to contact the perfect type of clients you are looking for.   Quick Introduction This step-by-step guide will teach you...

Get Your First 5 Graphic Design Clients on Link...

This step-by-step guide will teach you how to use Linkedin to contact the perfect type of clients you are looking for.   Quick Introduction This step-by-step guide will teach you...

Must have skills for UX Designers

Must-have skills for UX Designers

Billy Seabrook, Global Chief Design Officer at IBM iX, emphasizes the role of UX generalists as the advocates for customers and society. UX designers craft the appearance, feel, and functionality...

Must-have skills for UX Designers

Billy Seabrook, Global Chief Design Officer at IBM iX, emphasizes the role of UX generalists as the advocates for customers and society. UX designers craft the appearance, feel, and functionality...

Top 10 graphic design laptops in 2024

Top 10 Laptops for Graphic Design in 2024

As a graphic designer, you know that having the right tools is essential for success. Your laptop is your canvas, your studio, and your portal to creative expression. But with...

Top 10 Laptops for Graphic Design in 2024

As a graphic designer, you know that having the right tools is essential for success. Your laptop is your canvas, your studio, and your portal to creative expression. But with...